Help Us Be Helpers | By JE

Let’s just say that I have a lot of thoughts right now.  None of which you probably care about.  Some of which I plan to share in the near future.  Get excited.  Or unsubscribe.  You know, you do you.

Most importantly, we hope you’re making it through this crazy, challenging time as best as you can.  Around here we’re taking it one day at a time on the personal and business fronts.  And we’re grateful for your continued support.

We’ve also been looking for ways to be helpful to others in this crisis.  A few weeks ago, Meg’s connections at her local hospital in Albany, GA, requested support with making N95 covers to help extend the life and usability of the limited supply of personal protective equipment currently available.  While there’s a lot that can be said about the shortage of effective equipment, we’re not here for that.  We’re here for practical ways to help. 

With that in mind, we’d love for you to join in!  Especially if you, too, need a bit of a distraction and a way to support our healthcare workers as they carry the heaviest load for the rest of us.  (For full transparency, I have contributed very little to this project so far, because I can’t sew to save a pillow.)

Remember to use material that is breathable, water repellant, and sturdy enough to withstand multiple washes and sanitation measures. Scrub material is great.

Here’s Meg’s hand-drawn instructions which may or may not be useful depending on your skillset and eyesight (I have no idea… see above for I have no sewing skills at all commentary… or wait, I guess I just said it again). 

Here are some additional links to resources for making N95 covers:

Phoebe Putney N95 Cover Production Instructions Pattern & Instructions (as mentioned in this Forbes article)

And if you aren’t sure if your local health systems want or need N95 covers but you still want to help, please reach out to us on Instagram or email us at  We can get you information about how to send your cache of covers to Albany where we know they're needed.

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